The residence halls at Catholic University are divided into five residential neighborhoods based on geographic location and student population.

An overview of the residence hall neighborhood structure can be found below as well as community information.

Neighborhood Residence Halls Community Residence Hall Office (RHO)
Location & Phone
Senior Staff Member
Centennial Village Camalier, Engelhard, McDonald, Quinn, Reardon, Unanue and Walton Houses Centennial Village

Camalier House

Mack Bowen
Central Neighborhood Caldwell HallGibbons Hall, and Seton Wing Central Neighborhood

Gibbons Hall

Kelsey Morrison
North Neighborhood One Millennium North and Millennium South North Neighborhood 1

Millennium South

Kendall Martin
North Neighborhood Two FlatherRegan and Ryan Halls North Neighborhood 2

Regan Hall

Emily Whalen
Opus Hall Opus Hall Opus

Opus Hall

Renee Raymond

To view the layout of residence halls across campus, please visit the university map.